
How Do I Stop Getting Stuck in the Planning Stage of Starting a Freelance Business?

You’ve dreamed of freelancing, but there are so many things to plan for when you start a business plan.

How will you find loyal clients?  What about doing the books? How will you even begin?

How Do I Stop Getting Stuck in the Planning Stage of Starting a Freelance Business?

Most people never leave the dreaded corporate world because they wind up in a never-ending loop of, “analysis paralysis.”

Most people never end up leaving the dreaded corporate world because they wind up in a never-ending loop of, “analysis paralysis.”

I can honestly say I’ve done the same thing about 100 times. It took me years to finally decide to take the plunge and take action.

It’s human nature to avoid discomfort and unsafe situations. Freelancing does not provide a steady salary, so your inner caveman defaults to staying in your already comfortable job.

This is where our inner dialogue has to fight back. We are not cavemen anymore.

Our brains have evolved enough that we can strive for more than what we are, but it takes some effort.

Learning on how to start a business plan freelancing will work if you do these things.

Stop Caring What People Think When Freelancing

The biggest challenge most of us face freelancing is caring what other people think about their choices.

This was a major obstacle for me, which is why I didn’t start freelancing until I was in my 30s.

It takes some serious work to stop caring what others think.

Ask yourself these questions:

If it was someone else doing this, would I be judging them?

If I was, how would my judgment affect their decision to act?

Should my judgment of someone else stop them from doing what they are doing?

How many people in my life have careers I disagree with or wouldn’t have chosen?

This last question can be a game changer. Take a look at all the people around you.

I did this exercise and realized I didn’t agree with 75% of what people were doing for careers. Of course, I don’t, I’m not them.

Obviously, I would not agree with their career choices or lack of action because it’s not something I would do.

This doesn’t mean their choice is not the right one. Light bulb!

You have to choose what is right for YOU! You have to live with your own decisions, they don’t.

Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People When Freelancing

As most people do at the beginning of starting a business plan, I did some market research. I reached out to a few successful entrepreneurs in my personal network and asked them for advice.

I was SHOCKED at the enthusiasm and support.

Before I made this decision, I had been talking to mostly people in my network that had 9 to 5 jobs. Most don’t understand the burning desire to strike out on your own.

So their reactions were supportive, but not enthusiastic.

The excitement from other entrepreneurs was overwhelming. They encouraged me and completely understood my vision to be my own boss.

It’s crucial to your success that you find a few people that have similar goals, or even better, find someone who is doing something similar to what you are doing so you can bounce ideas and share wins with them.


Make Big Goals When You Start Your Business Plan

It’s important to have a target to work towards in your business. Whether it’s a financial or a non-financial goal doesn’t matter.

Get in the habit of setting sights on what you want and working towards that vision when you start a business plan freelancing.

Setting a big goal is the first step, but mapping out the steps to get there and taking small consistent action is the secret sauce to success.

I follow a tip that I learned from Natalie Eckdahl of She recommends setting a big goal and mapping out your weekly one and daily three small actions you will take to get there.

Say for instance your big goal is making a fulltime income from freelance writing.

Your weekly one might be to pitch 5 jobs. Your daily three might be to write one guest post article, pitch a job on a job board, and map out a post for your own blog.

Breaking up your goals into tiny bite-sized chunks will make it feel less like Mount Everest and more like a bunch of ant hills you have to step over.

Stop Stalling and Take Action When Freelancing

I’ve been a part of the online business community for years. Everyone is pitching something and everyone has an opinion of what the best tool is for every area of when you start a business plan.

This leads to a thought loop of what’s the BEST way to do everything.

I have the answer for you. There is no best way!

Stop reading things about the right way to do things and start taking action.

This isn’t to say stop learning. Chose a few sources of information, read their articles or take their courses, then take action.

There is no right way to do anything.

Once you get going, your right way might be totally different than someone else’s right way. You won’t ever find it if all you do is think about it and don’t actually try out different things.

Keep it simple. What is the minimum you need to get started? Do that!

If you do your bookkeeping on a spreadsheet and manage projects in a notebook or binder, that’s fine. Just start. You can learn what you need along the way.

You don’t need what everyone is trying to sell you to get started. You just need you and your creative brain.

Leave Yourself Messages When Freelancing

Make motivational triggers. Be mindful of what negative thoughts your inner dialogue is telling you and battle them with little inspirational notes.

If your inner dialogue says, “You can’t do this,” then leave yourself a note that says,”Why wouldn’t you be able to do it? Other people do, so why not you?” HA-CHA!

Take that inner self-doubt!

If you keep getting stuck in the planning phase, leave yourself a note somewhere to remind yourself to take action.

Here is an example of a note I currently have on my phone screen saver. It says, “consistency. Patience. Don’t overthink. Stay the course. You got this!”

Even if I don’t read it out word for word every day, each time I open my phone, I see that and a tiny message is sent to my brain reminding me to keep focused.

Some freelancers make their passwords inspirational messages like, “Youcandoit2019.” Every time they enter their password a little encouraging message sinks in.

You can do this as a sticky on the laptop, a note on the fridge or bathroom mirror, an image on your computer background, a bracelet, or even a reminder on your phone.

Make an Official Decision and Tell People

The hardest part of being a freelancer is not the work. That’s the fun part.

The hard part is the self-doubt that creeps in.

Freelancing is a bumpy, rickety rollercoaster, especially when you first start out. You have to pitch a lot of jobs before you become well known.

All those unanswered emails and rejections can feel like a sad monkey sitting on your shoulders, but if you set goals, stop caring what people think about you, leave yourself some motivational messages, and take action, you will be successful.

It isn’t real until you put it out in the world. Decide and commit to what you want and tell everyone. Tell your family and friends and everyone you meet.

When people ask what you do for a living, tell them what your freelance gig is first, not your 9 to 5. Maybe don’t even tell them about your 9 to 5 if you don’t want to.

Put it out into the world that you are a freelancer. This sends your brain a message that this is what you are.

At the end of the day, you can either keep talking yourself out of it or keep talking yourself into it.  Which will you choose?

Figure Out Your Business Plan & Become a Successful Freelance Writer!

Kristi Durham helps course creators sell more of their courses with research-driven conversion copywriting.  She enjoys walking her little yappy dogs, kayaking in the great lakes, and spending time with her nose buried in a book at the beach.  Find out more about Kristi and her work at

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