How Do I Register My Business for Freelance Work?
Congratulations on your decision to become a business owner and do some freelance work. In this role, you will wear many hats. You will both be employee and boss and you’ll decide on every aspect of your business.

How Can You Build Backlinks in 2022 (As A Freelancer)?
As a freelancer with a newly fresh client, one of the things your new client may ask is to help their business rank better in Google. But, ranking highly in search engine results is based on several factors.

How Do Freelancers Keep Working With Seasonal Affective Disorder?
The clocks have turned back an hour, the days are becoming shorter, and there’s frost in the air. Are you finding that the changing of the seasons is making you more irritable than it rationally should? Are you exhausted even though you think you got enough sleep last night? Are you finding it hard to get up and go to work or to carry out your normal day-to-day obligations? Are you isolating yourself from the

What is a Freelance Artist?
For those that are not involved in the freelance art world, they will most likely not fully understand what a freelance artist does. There is so much more to being a self employed artist than actually doing art all day, but that’s the dream isn’t it?

Do I Really Need a Writing Niche(s)?
I’ve been freelance writing for a little over six months now and I’ve finally come to realize the importance (and benefit) of having a niche, or niches. A little background about me, I have a travel blog and I also do some freelance writing for publications on the side – but so far the majority of my writing has been in the travel industry.