Elna Cain

How Do You Get Paid as a Freelancer?

Freelancing really is a dream job, isn’t it? You get to make money doing what you love where and when you want to do it. It’s an amazing way to make a living but, in order to make a living, you need to get paid.

Beau Peters

How Do You Successfully Market Yourself as a Freelancer?

As a new freelancer, the key to landing clients is to network and self-promote. While this might seem intimidating, the internet has made it a lot easier than it used to be.

Sebastian Calderon

How Do You Start Video Scriptwriting as a Beginner?

Most freelance writers have heard of video script writing in more than one ‘how to pick your niche’ guide when starting their career. You might’ve heard of video scriptwriting being a high-paying niche.

Lisa Jordie

How Can Improv Help Me Be A Better Freelancer?

Amy Poehler. Tina Fey. Steve Carrell. Chris Farley. What do these renowned comedians have to do with your freelance business?