How Can Collaborating With Other Freelancers Help You Grow?
Collaborating can be one of the most exciting, rewarding, and fun activities you engage in during your professional life. Many people choose freelancing because it gives them a certain amount of autonomy.
How Can I Diversify My Freelance Income?
Anticipation, exhilaration, twists, turns, slow climbs to the top followed by a negative G-force loop that has you swallowing your stomach. Suddenly it slows, sometimes stopping with a jerk while your brain catches up with your body. If you think I am describing a roller coaster, you’re right.
Can I Make More Money Freelance Writing Than at My Day Job?
Freelancing has become a huge trend lately, and Intuit estimates that by 2020, 40 percent of the workforce will be freelancers. That could certainly be you.
What is the Importance of Work Life Balance?
Freelancing has become an iconic part of the 21st-century workforce as tens of millions of individuals in the U.S. alone have left full-time employment to work for themselves in recent years. With such a huge influx of “fresh freelance blood,” so to speak, there was bound to be a natural shift in the landscape of the industry. This is especially true when it comes to classic freelance struggles like maintaining and understanding the importance of
How Do I Start a Freelance Business in the First Months?
So, want to know how to start a freelance business? That’s amazing! No matter the circumstances that led to your decision, maybe you want the freedom of creating your own schedule and working with a dream client. But, where to start?
Why Should I Transcribe My Interviews and Can I Make Them Suck Less?
Reading typos in an interview transcript can be a cringe worthy experience. It’s easy to be jarred by a random error, skip around, then give up reading. Freelancer writers are encouraged to delegate or outsource unlikable tasks or tasks that eat up valuable billable time. But transcribing recorded interviews is one bear of a task I can’t give up for now. This is partly because I’ve done professional transcribing, so I’m stubbornly proud and insist
What Skills Do You Need to Be a Copywriter?
You might be wondering, “What skills do I need to be a copywriter?” In other words, “What are the skills I need as a copywriter to pay the bills?” If you want to be a copywriter and land some great jobs as a new freelancer then this guide will help you figure out if being a copywriter is something you want to be based on your skills.