Ken Marshall

How Can You Work Less and Make More?

If you’re a freelancer, especially if it’s been awhile, you’ve probably asked yourself the question, “how can I work less and make more” at least a million times. I know when I started freelancing almost 7 years ago, both of those things were often on my mind.

Elna Cain

How Do You Create a Freelance Invoice Template?

Let’s talk about something super important in our world as freelancers: getting paid. Because, let’s face it – we all love doing what we do, but we’ve got bills to pay and maybe a little fun to fund, right? So, whether you’re juggling a bunch of freelance gigs each month or running a full-time writing hustle, one thing’s for sure: you need to get paid.


What Types of Income Can A Freelancer Have?

Thinking about being a freelancer? With everything happening with businesses coming online, working from home is something that is changing the landscape as a worker. More people are working from home and looking at ways to make money and a great way to do this is as a freelancer.

Beau Peters

How Do I Protect My Mental Health As a Freelancer?

Freelancing has become a more popular career choice than ever in recent years. As technology continues to advance, the gig economy continues to grow. There’s no question as to why –freelancing comes with plenty of benefits!

Elna Cain

Side Hustle Meaning: Is it Worth It To Start a Side Hustle in 2024?

Are you a freelancer that’s tired of living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make ends meet? Or are you looking for a way to turn your passion into a profit and build a successful business?

Aliff Azhar

What are the Best Research Tools For Content Ideas (Free & Cheap)?

In order to create relevant content, you need to know what your audience is looking for. Otherwise, no one is going to read your content. It can be overwhelming to decide if the topic you are writing is precisely aligned with your target audience.

Elna Cain

What is Alliteration and How Do You Use It?

There are so many things we are trying to communicate in our writing. Character development, a plot and story climax, and setting the tone for a piece of literature. Using alliterations is excellent for creating a mood in your writing that helps to convey to the reader a setting for your story or characters.