FFAQs Team
Why Are My Guest Posts Getting Turned Down?
Imagine a stranger approaches you with a smile, extends his hand, and says, “Hi, Sir. Want to date?” Nevermind the fact that you’re actually a ma’am, thank you very much. Although the stranger seems nice, you’d probably eye him suspiciously, say no, and run away, right?

Emma Lunsford
How Do I Deal with Burnout as a Freelancer?
You’re successfully building a freelance business, but along the way caught the burnout bug. Fatigue, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, and illness are some of your everyday battles.

Sydney Bair
How Can Freelancers Stay Healthy While Sitting All Day?
As a freelancer you sit all day I bet. From your bed to the kitchen table to have breakfast, then maybe to the couch for some laptop emailing and maybe off to your day job where you…sit.