How Do I Manage My Time as a Freelance Writer?
Chances are you are combining your freelance writing life with at least two other time consuming activities – either another (full time) job or kids. And, as both of those take up a good chunk of your time, you are constantly struggling to get everything done, right? At least that is what my life looks like. Even if you do not have to work around these issues, trying to write your posts, doing your accounting

What Are the Best Freelance Marketing Tips for Beginners?
As freelancers, we have many tools at our disposal we can use to market ourselves and our services. A lot of these freelance marketing techniques are free, simple and quick to learn, and allow you to target your intended audience and customers.

How Do Freelance Writers Overcome Being Stuck in a Rut?
Writer’s block – it’s like saying “Macbeth” behind the scenes of a play – the worst thing that could happen to you as a writer; but, does it really exist and, if so, how do you overcome it? Writer’s block is usually identified as the inability to think of anything to write about as if being stuck in a writing rut, and it does exist, but mostly in our minds.

How Do I Get Started Freelancing as a Stay At Home Parent?
If you’re a stay-at-home parent and feel like you rarely have a quiet moment to think, keep reading. Many of you have been there, your baby is napping and your toddler is watching a show. You’re finally making progress with freelancing, and the ideas are flowing. All of a sudden, “Mom! I’m hungry!” Not too big of a deal, you get them a snack and then carry on. Five minutes later….”Mom! I’m sick of this