Chana Roberts

Do You Know How to Ruin Your Writer Website?

What makes the difference between a successful writer website, and one that’s just . . . blah? If you’ve been surfing the web for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that there are sites you like, and sites you don’t. You may even have noticed that some writer sites look old-fashioned, and some look modern. Some look professional, and some look, well, NOT. Have you ever wondered what those crucial differences are, and how

Katie Jenison

How Do I Cold Email for a Job?

Does the thought of cold emailing potential clients making you cringe? You’re not alone! Sending a cold email can be pretty intimidating, especially when you factor in the fear of rejection.

Ashley Gainer

How Do I Deal With Isolation When I Work From Home?

Isolation is common when you’re freelancing – no more coworkers, no more water-cooler, no more guaranteed daily interaction with others. For some, it’s fine. For others, it’s torture. Even if you’re more introverted or you tend not to need a ton of social interaction to feel ok, you do need some interaction with the outside world if you’re going to stay mentally balanced. And don’t think that the people (and animals?) living under the same

Lem Fru

How Much Will It Cost to Start a Freelance Writing Business As a Beginner?

Are you tired of your 9 – 5 job and looking for ways to escape? Are you a SAHM who has come to the end of her maternity period and is dreading the return to work and missing out on your child’s growth and development? You have done some preliminary research on how to earn an income while bringing up your children, being part of their daily life- and this has some appeal to you.