
How Do You Land a Role As a Freelance Content Strategist?

Over the past 4 years, I’ve worked with solopreneurs and marketing agencies— tasked with writing and researching about any topic that invokes curiosity, sparks conversations, and helps potential customers make a buying decision.

To ensure the success (reads, lead generation/increased sales pipeline) of some of these projects meant I had to:

How Do You Land a Role As a Freelance Content Strategist?

  • Understand their audience in depth through surveys and social listening.
  • Nail their brand’s tone of voice and customer pain points in these blogs.
  • Conduct competitor and SERP analysis to tackle burning questions and explore ranking opportunities.
  • Create a content guideline and outline and provide ongoing support for content refresh and repurposing.

When asked, “Hey Tobi, what do you do?” my response stayed the same “I’m a freelance writer” until 18 months ago when I began to understand my role critically.

I was a content strategist after all.

It’s a dream role especially when you understand your value, can live up to the expectations required to succeed as one, and be T-shaped.

But let’s face it, turning that dream into a reality can be a huge challenge especially with the job market facing a recession.

If you’ve been struggling to land your next content strategy role or find yourself plateauing in your current one, you’re not alone.

Here’s your roadmap to a smooth-sailing success story.

Understanding the Freelance Content Strategist Mindset

The freelance life is a rollercoaster of highs and lows. I remember back in 2021 when I had so many clients I considered launching my content agency.

Well, I never did.

One moment you’re riding high on a new client win, the next you’re plummeting into the depths of self-doubt.

2022 was one of those lows that redefined the content industry (Artificial intelligence came to steal the show).

It’s a mental game, the first thing you need to do to win is understand your enemies.

Imposter Syndrome

You can easily grapple with the persistent feeling of being a fraud. You’ve landed clients; you’re delivering results, yet that nagging voice won’t stop telling you, “You’re not good enough.”

You start by silencing that critic and embracing your expertise.

Fear of Rejection

Most of us started with that fear of rejection. It can be crippling. But remember, every “no” brings you one step closer to a “yes.”

Even the most successful content folks suffer rejections. A success rate of 10-20% is considered stellar for a freelancer.

So, build that resilience against rejection and you’re guaranteed long-term success.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset:

Don’t view setbacks as failures; see them as opportunities to learn and grow. A growth mindset is the cornerstone of a successful freelance content strategy career.

It empowers you to embrace challenges, persist in the face of obstacles, and see feedback as a gift.

Building a Strong Foundation

To thrive as a freelance content strategist, you need a solid foundation of skills. It is not enough to know how to use a content calendar; you also need to know how to balance strategy, creativity, and data in a way that makes sense.

I’m constantly building my skills as a content strategist.

I’m transitioning into the startup ecosystem and must familiarize myself with the industry lingo and taking a course, an internship or a mentorship opportunity is the best way to improve.

Your options to build and become better are endless, leverage them.

Mastering the Essentials

SEO, content marketing, and audience analysis are the holy trinity of content strategy. Know these three competencies to the core.

Take courses around them and read books if you have to. They will set you apart from the competition.

Keep Learning

You have to stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and platforms, as these will also inform your approach to convincing prospects. This isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity.

Show, Don’t Tell:

Your portfolio is your calling card.

It is your chance to show what you can do and how valuable you are. Create a portfolio that tells a compelling story and highlights your ability to deliver results.

Leverage your social media to also showcase expertise, and share pitfalls and breakthrough moments.

Crafting Your Brand and Positioning

Find Your Niche, Own It

I’m sure you’ve heard that almost every industry and niche you can think of are crowded, so you need to be able to stand out. So, what do you do?

Create a blue ocean! Unlike red oceans, where competition is fierce and profits are squeezed, blue oceans are wide-open spaces where you can create uncontested market space.


Analyze Your Competition

Understand what your competitors are offering and identify gaps in the market.

Identify Your Unique Value Proposition

What sets you apart from other content strategists?

Create a New Market

Focus on a unique service or a specific niche; position yourself as an expert. Use that to build deeper relationships with clients and charge premium rates.

Personal Branding Powerhouse

Develop a strong online presence that reflects your values, expertise, and personality. Be consistent across all platforms and engage with your audience authentically.

Strategies to Land Your Dream Client

Now that you’ve created your blue ocean strategy, know that winning clients is about more than just sending out proposals. It’s about building relationships and positioning yourself as the go-to expert.

Network Like a Pro

You need to prioritize industry events, join online communities, and connect with other professionals in your field.

But much more, help!

Yes, help people you meet, peers, etc. It’s easy to get good referrals when you’ve helped valuable connections at some point.

Pitch Perfect

You need to know how to build the perfect pitch for your niche. It is an art form. Clearly articulate your value proposition, tailor your pitch to the clients in your industry, and practice your delivery. This mostly follows this pattern:

  1. Hook
  2. Problem
  3. Solution
  4. Value Proposition
  5. Call to Action with a lead magnet

For the lead magnet, you could give potential clients a full content audit template that they can use to look over their current content strategy.

You can tweak the above for freelance marketplaces, cold emailing, and more.

Relationship Building 101

Clients are more likely to work with people they like and trust.

How do you respond to this?

Invest time in building rapport, listening actively, having empathy, understanding your clients’ goals, and exceeding their expectations.

Also, humans are inherently self-serving, so always offer incentives for referrals like discounts and referral bonuses.

Leverage Digital Platforms

Online marketplaces and social media can be powerful tools for finding clients. Optimize your profiles, actively engage with your audience, and showcase your expertise.

Offer value upfront, such as a free consultation or resource, and follow up consistently but avoid being overly persistent.

Pricing and Proposals

Get Paid What You’re Worth

One part most ignore but you shouldn’t is setting your prices, making convincing offers, and negotiating. But if you do things the right way, you can get fair pay and keep clients for a long time.

Price It Right

Juliana Marulanda made a statement I agree with. And it’s that when it comes to pricing, “there is no magic formula.” Don’t go too high, but never underprice yourself.

What are your experience and skills? What’s the average market rate? How scarce is it? These will determine your hourly rates, retainer fees, flat fees, or variable pricing.

Proposal Power

It doesn’t matter whether you decide to go the freelance marketplace route or send cold emails. A well-crafted proposal outlines your understanding of the client’s needs, your proposed solutions, and the value you’ll deliver.

Keep it clear, concise, and visually appealing.

Negotiate like a Pro

Be prepared to negotiate your rates and contract terms.

The rule of thumb is to know your bottom line while being open to finding common ground.

Always go for the win-win outcomes.

Final Thoughts

In case you find it hard to put it all together, here are five points you must not lose from this guide.

  • Create a blue ocean niche and strategy for yourself. Be your only competitor.
  • Find the right marketplace, cold emailing, or cold calling tactics that fit your strategy.
  • Master the art of writing proposals and pitching your services.
  • Build relationships and network with precision.
  • Always offer incentives!

Remember, becoming a successful freelance content strategist is a journey, not a destination.

You must put in consistent effort, be flexible, and love your craft. Keep growing and learning, but most importantly, keep making great content.

My background in writing starts as a 17-year-old engineering student struggling to find some way to make extra income. Frankly, I just needed some money to buy video games and stumbled into freelance writing because a friend told me about it. I didn't think I was that much of a writer but decided to jump in with both feet on Upwork cuz why not? Five years down the line, I've written articles, books, technical papers, and brochures on just about every business and SEO topic out there. Not a master by any means, yet when I write stuff now, it gets read to the end (often), and people take the action we want them to take, so that's a win to me. Let's talk shop on Linkedin