
What Are the Essential Skills and Tools for Aspiring Freelance Accountants?

It is no longer essential for you to work for a large firm to be a great accountant.

Starting a freelance business is increasingly accessible, particularly as more small enterprises need financial experts who aren’t on full-time staff.

What Are the Essential Skills and Tools for Aspiring Freelance Accountants?

Indeed, depending on the qualifications you have, you can find yourself serving a global range of clients.

This isn’t to say that finding success as a freelance accountant is in any way guaranteed.

You need to cultivate a range of skills and adopt tools that help you to thrive in what can be a quite competitive industry.

We’re going to dig deeper into some of the essential things you should consider developing as you take your first steps.

Software Proficiency

As a freelance accountant in the digital age, there are likely to be relatively few times you’ll be working completely analog with entirely physical bookkeeping.

Accountancy software platforms are the standard for working with both businesses and individuals today. Therefore, your priority is to ensure you are proficient in using the most common of these tools.

Cloud accountancy platforms are among the most important and versatile software tools to get to grips with. Cloud software is hosted by the developer and users access it via a portal.

Cloud accounting is becoming popular with accountants and clients because it’s easier to share vital financial data and documents, protect sensitive information, and produce accurate reports.

This approach also tends to be quite flexible, as many platforms are compatible with common types of accounting tools and files, enabling you to work with and migrate data easily.

You don’t necessarily need to gain guidance from courses to achieve the qualifications to use most cloud platforms effectively.

Aside from the tendency for cloud accounting to have an intuitive design, there are often tutorials or online video guides that help you navigate these tools. 

That said, proficiency isn’t just about being able to use software for basic use.

It’s wise to do a deep dive into the software’s features and functions. For instance, some platforms give you the opportunity to automate some aspects of your work, such as data entry, analysis, and report generation.

By understanding how to effectively use these features, you reduce your own workload while allowing you to focus on more complex tasks for your clients, which may boost your productivity and reputation.

Self-Promotion and Self-Investment

It may be the case that you’re heading toward a career as a freelance accountant because you have a selection of great clients already expressing interest in your services. This is fantastic.

Nevertheless, you’ll still need to keep these clients and keep finding new ones if you hope to be a success. This means you need to dedicate a little time and money to regular self-promotion and self-investment.


As a freelancer, you’re unlikely to have a huge promotional budget.

Therefore, it’s important to focus your resources on a few key areas. Firstly, make certain that you have a professional and easy-to-navigate website to present your services.

Make it clear how potential clients can find information about the different levels of service you offer and the associated fees. On each page, provide easy ways to contact you.

If possible, incorporate testimonials that go into specifics about what you have to offer as a professional, updating these as you get newer clients. This can send trust signals to visitors.

Additionally, stay active on social media. This is one of the ways you can highlight your expertise to potential clients. You could create video content that explores bookkeeping tips and tricks or errors to avoid. Taking the time to comment on and engage in social media discussions can also boost your profile. Make certain your social media profiles have a professional bio and link to your site.


You are the most important resource in which to invest money from your freelance accounting business.

After all, your skills are what keep your business running. While you may have completed the essential degree and licensing programs, continuous learning is vital to invest in.

This might include courses in niche areas, like auditing or forensic accounting, so you can offer more diverse or premium-rate services. It can involve purely practical education, such as business management that helps you to function more effectively as a freelancer.

Remember that self-investment also includes your well-being.

Diverting funds to ensure you can take regular vacations or work 4-day weeks can minimize the potential for burnout.

You might even consider investing in an assistant so you aren’t putting all your tasks on your own shoulders. The key is to regularly examine what your needs are and make plans to invest in relevant resources. 

Maintaining a Functional Workspace

Your working environment makes a difference to your experience as a freelance accountant. You can find there are various practical and psychological benefits of personalizing your workspace.

Maintaining a private yet comfortable office can minimize distractions and enable you to focus on your tasks. Making choices that help you own the space you work can boost your mood, which influences your productivity and your job satisfaction.

By starting to create a great area to work in, rather than just a bland office, you’re boosting your chances of success.

So, what can you focus on here?

  • Lighting choices: The lighting in your office can affect your feelings, your eyes, and your productivity. Consider getting various types of lights that you can change as your needs alter. This might include well-distributed and diffuse overhead lights that minimize eye strain when using your computer, to softer desk lamps for when you’re taking a break. Opening curtains to let in as much natural light as possible throughout the day can do wonders for your wellness.
  • Organizational tools: You will likely be working with various types of documents, files, and resources throughout your freelancing career. It is important to keep all of these well-organized so you can access them easily. Choose items that work with your personal preferences. This might include folders you keep on bookshelves throughout your office, or installing easy-access under-desk filing cabinets. Personalizing this can optimize your workflow.

Remember that you don’t have to make a perfectly customized office immediately. Taking your time to add things occasionally and upgrade as needed is certainly a more cost-effective approach.

You’ll also learn more about yourself and your working preferences as you become more experienced. Gradual alterations enable you to make the most impactful additions and improvements. 


Finding success as you start your freelance accounting career is about focusing on some key skills and tools. Alongside gaining software proficiency, you should invest in yourself and your environment, among other things. Don’t forget to join online networking groups of other freelancers, both in accounting and other areas.

These people understand the challenges you face and you can develop mutual support systems that help you all to thrive.

About The Author

Katie is a publisher and author who enjoys writing and spending time with her pets.

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