Category: Business

Can Freelancers Take Maternity Leave?

You’ve been dreaming of this day since you were a kid. Your period is late, you’re exhausted, and you smell apple juice everywhere. You go out and buy a pregnancy test. Honestly, you bought the test just for fun. Your period is probably going to appear later today or tomorrow. But hey, you may as well waste some money, right?

Two pink lines appear. As it turns out, the test wasn’t a waste of money, after all.

How Do I Break Up With My Freelancing Clients On Good Terms?

Life is full of changes. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been doing something, or how well. Sometimes circumstances will force your hand for a change.

Client relationships are no different. Needs change, budgets dwindle, editors leave. The freelance writing job you applied for, and the job you’re expected to do may no longer match.

Do You Know How to Ruin Your Writer Website?

What makes the difference between a successful writer website, and one that’s just . . . blah? If you’ve been surfing the web for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that there are sites you like, and sites you don’t.

You may even have noticed that some writer sites look old-fashioned, and some look modern. Some look professional, and some look, well, NOT. Have you ever wondered what those crucial differences are, and how they came to be?

How Should I Invoice My Freelance Writing Clients?

Invoicing is one of those details freelancers often don’t think about until you need to create one.

When suddenly faced with the need to send an invoice for the first time, it’s easy to feel lost. How do you create a professional-looking invoice from scratch? Where do invoice numbers come from? What if your client doesn’t pay?

What Are Facebook Author Tags, and How Can Writers Set Them Up?

Like many freelance writers, you’re probably using social media as a marketing tool. Chances are you’ve chosen a couple of social platforms to work with, but if you’re not currently using Facebook to brand your writing business, now might be the time to start. If you are using Facebook for your writing, listen up.

Facebook recently announced author tags, which is a new function designed to help journalists, bloggers, and publishers reach a wider audience on Facebook. That means you!

Where Do I Find Images for My Freelance Writing Clients?

As a freelance writer, it’s our job to convey to prospects and clients the value of strategic digital marketing.

To put it more simply, many businesses aren’t savvy to online marketing tactics like social media or content promotion.

So, to make sure we become an integral part in their marketing plan, it’s best to have some tricks up our sleeves as a way to stand out from other freelance writers.

How Do I Manage My Time as a Freelance Writer?

Chances are you are combining your freelance writing life with at least two other time consuming activities – either another (full time) job or kids.

And, as both of those take up a good chunk of your time, you are constantly struggling to get everything done, right? At least that is what my life looks like.

Even if you do not have to work around these issues, trying to write your posts, doing your accounting work, finding new writing clients, keeping your writer website up to date, and so on, your time is a fickle and oh so fleeting.

What Should I Do if I’m Going to Miss a Writing Deadline?

So, you’ve been working on a writing task for a client, not everything has gone to plan and now you’ve come to the heart-sinking realization that you’re going to miss the deadline.

Maybe you misjudged the scope of the project? Perhaps you had a family emergency and had to leave town for a couple of days? Or, it might be that you simply over-stuffed your schedule with writing assignments because you were so eager for paid work?