Category: Marketing

What are the Best Gig Economy Apps?

Are you having trouble with your freelance job search?

The key to finding good paying freelance jobs is knowing where to look for them!

The vastness of the interest can be a blessing and a curse.

What are the Important Freelance Trends to Watch in 2021?

2020 has caused upheaval for many businesses, but it hasn’t slowed the global shift to freelancing.

After all, experts have been predicting that the majority of the workforce will go freelance a long time now.

How Do I Cold Email for a Job?

Does the thought of cold emailing potential clients making you cringe?

You’re not alone!

Sending a cold email can be pretty intimidating, especially when you factor in the fear of rejection.

How Can I Get Repeat Clients as a Freelancer?

Freelancers are excellent jugglers.

We juggle client work, marketing, sales calls, and so much more.

How Do Freelancers Get Paid? Getting Paid as a Freelancer in 2021

There is no doubt that more people than ever before in human history are becoming freelancers.

Statistics from Upwork shows that 1 in 3 Americans is a freelancer.

And this trend isn’t ending anytime soon. There are up to  43% more freelance jobs in the second half of 2020, making 2021a year for freelancers.

What Are the Ways to Create a Portfolio as a Ghostwriter?

Congratulations! You have chosen ghostwriting as your freelance writing niche.

You recognize the many perks to this area of specialization, including the opportunity to learn about topics you never would have thought about, the ability to author books and other pieces while remaining in peaceful obscurity (not everyone wants to be famous), and the sizable income that’s possible to achieve as your career progresses.

What Are the Best Freelance Marketing Tips for Beginners?

As freelancers, we have many tools at our disposal we can use to market ourselves and our services.

A lot of these freelance marketing techniques are free, simple and quick to learn, and allow you to target your intended audience and customers.

How Do You Land a Freelance Job When There’s Competition?

There are over 57 million freelancers in the US alone.

If you are suddenly faced with working from home indefinitely, how can you ensure that you will actually make it and land a freelance job when there’s competition?