You’ve been thinking about freelancing for a while.
The luxury of working from your couch. Not having to navigate the rattlesnake of New York City traffic. On a schedule that works for you. Because you’re not a morning person. At all.
You’ve been thinking about freelancing for a while.
The luxury of working from your couch. Not having to navigate the rattlesnake of New York City traffic. On a schedule that works for you. Because you’re not a morning person. At all.
Interested in looking at some copywriting examples to help you figure out if copywriting is for you?
You enjoy writing and found out that copywriting is a lucrative writing niche and that’s what you want to do to make a living as a writer.
One of the key things I learned from my job hunting days is that the more you know about the place you are applying for, the better your chances are of landing the job.
People like to see that you care enough to know who they are and what they are about when you show interest in working with them. Why?
You wake up and it’s a new year. What are you going to do?
With millions unemployed and struggling to find a job, you luckily learned about an emerging market – freelancing.
By 2027, the majority of U.S. people working will be freelancing, according to a survey from Freelancing America.
If you were to Google the term “marketing strategies for freelancers,” you’re going to be bombarded with a million and one ways you can market your freelance business.
This can be both a blessing and curse – there’s a lot of information out there about it, but that also gives you many means of marketing to choose from.
Marketing can often feel like a, “throw it and see what sticks,” strategy for expanding your freelance business.
Freelancing is a journey.
If you have an itch to test out different freelancing skills, there’s no reason not to scratch it.
Are you having trouble with your freelance job search?
The key to finding good paying freelance jobs is knowing where to look for them!
The vastness of the interest can be a blessing and a curse.
2020 has caused upheaval for many businesses, but it hasn’t slowed the global shift to freelancing.
After all, experts have been predicting that the majority of the workforce will go freelance a long time now.