Category: Marketing

Can Social Media Hurt My Freelance Writing Career?

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter can be the greatest tool in your freelance writing arsenal; however, if used incorrectly, they can cast a negative shadow over your career that will be very difficult to avoid.

Statistics show that 78% of traditional employers check the social media pages of prospective employees. Since freelance writers typically deal in the digital realm, it is safe to assume that percentage is even higher.

It is very rare that a freelance writer will work face-to-face with clients. With that in mind, it is imperative to make your online presence shine – this is your first impression, after all.

How Do I Attract My Ideal Freelance Writing Client?

Are you stuck writing for pennies?

Writing $5 articles won’t get you far in your freelance writing career. Not only are you pumping out fluff articles by the dozen, but it isn’t enough to pay your bills and you’re probably working non-stop unable to enjoy what you’re doing.

Freelance writing can be a very lucrative career. But, do you feel you keep landing the wrong clients and don’t know why?

Where Can I Find Freelance Writing Jobs?

If you’ve decided to become a freelance writer, you want to get paid for your efforts.

Unfortunately, too many writers feel, or get told, that they have to pay their dues. That means work for free or churn out five articles per hour for content mills to make ends meet. I remember doing it, and it did me no favors.

The good news is that you don’t have to write for free forever, nor do you need to slave away at content mills.

What Questions Does A Freelance Writer Ask During a Client Interview?

One of the first things a freelance writer encounters is the client interview.

This is the time when you get a better understanding of who the client is, what their content needs are and whether or not they would be a good fit for your budding writing business.

You know how important the interview is and I’m sure you’ve spent time researching the client’s business and gathered as much information as possible. But, when it comes time to Skype or jump on Google Hangouts, everything you learned about  the client over the previous days, flies out the window.

Does a Freelancer Really Need to Be on Social Media?

Social media is popular now that smartphones are gaining popularity. What was once a new pastime has now become an every minute occurrence. We live in a digital world.

Just take a look at the top 5 social media platforms and the number of users on each of them:

How Do You Write a Pitch Letter (That’s a Home Run)?

Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to pitching job ads?

You go to a job board like ProBlogger, read an ad wanting a health writer that understands the Paleo lifestyle and decide you are going to apply.

You spend a few minutes writing your pitch letter, gathering some great sample posts to link to and hit send.

What is a Freelance Writer Platform? (And do I Need One?)

It’s common to see the term “writer platform” tossed about. It’s often tied to authors. But writer platforms can be vital for freelance writers too.

What is your freelance writer platform? Do you really need one? Won’t it be difficult to build a writer platform if you’re new?

Let’s explore freelance writer platforms, why you should build one, and how you can get started today.

How Do I Set Myself Apart From Other Freelance Writers?

This is a great time to be a freelance writer.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there’s been a 300% demand increase for writers in the last 10 years.

Lately, more Millennials are pursuing freelance careers as it’s becoming more of a necessity than a choice. With the 2008 financial crises resulting in more than 2.6 million job losses, it is no wonder that people are breaking into freelancing, particularly freelance writing, to pay the bills.