Category: Marketing

How Can Freelance Writers Craft Beautiful Content For Clients?

Earlier in my career, one of the main issues I had often suffered with when it came to writing, was crafting content which was easy on the eye and inviting for others to read. In other words, I struggled with creating beautiful content.

Initially, I felt as though the appearance didn’t matter and that quality, actionable content was all that was needed to do the job. But as time passed, I realised that I was putting my heart out into my content but I wasn’t seeing any results.

How Do I Market My Freelance Writing Biz for Under $150 Per Year?

Are you on the “if you build it, they will come” team?

Do you believe that your incredible writing skills will market themselves without you putting in any effort?

I don’t.

What’s The Easiest Way to Self-Publish an EBook?

“Oh, so you’re a published author. Wow, I’m impressed!”

Now, whether they say that out loud or not, most people are going to take you more seriously when they learn you’ve got a book or two out. As a writer or freelancer, it’s pretty much money in the bank.

You can add the book to your site and plaster its snazzy cover all over your promotions.

How Can Social Proof Help Me to Get More Writing Gigs?

Are you struggling to get as many freelance writing gigs as you’d like? It’s probably not a reflection of your talent and it might not even be related to your pitching techniques.

It may be because you’re missing one crucial piece of the puzzle: you don’t have enough social proof to convince potential clients to take a chance on you.

How Can I Attract My First Client Quickly?

As a new freelance writer, you’ve done tons of research, read widely and taken a number of free courses online.

You’ve also stalked some experienced freelance writers and lurked on various powerful blogs and websites.

But even after all these …… you are yet to attract your first client.

How Do I Sell Myself as a Freelancer on My About Page?

When it comes to selling yourself on your writer website, your About page is one of the most important pages to get right. It’s one of the most visited pages on the average website but unfortunately, it’s also one of the pages that many freelance writers sell themselves short on.

How Come I’m Not Landing Any Freelance Jobs?

You don’t seem to get it.

You went through the preliminary steps to get your freelance writing business off on the right foot.

How Can I Use Pinterest to Build My Personal Brand as a Freelancer?

As a freelance writer, it pays to have a strong personal brand to show potential clients that you know your stuff.

You probably already have a LinkedIn profile, and you may also be active on Twitter and have a business Facebook page but there are other less obvious ways to use social media to demonstrate your credentials and expertise.