Category: Starting Out

The Fast Track Beginner Guide to Freelance Writing

By: Elna Cain, Alicia Rades, Samar Owais

Thinking about starting a freelance writing business? Not sure where to start?

How Can I Launch My Freelance Career Successfully?

The most common myth about freelancing is that it’s the easy way out for people who aren’t comfortable dealing with a 9 to 5 job.

In reality, freelancing is hard work.

Should Freelance Writers Ever Work For Free?

At some point in your freelance career, a potential client will ask you to work for free. Should you do it?

You might be surprised that the answer isn’t a straightforward “No!” As long as there are clear benefits to you, it’s smart to consider unpaid work. Here are two times when unpaid work can pay off:

Do I Really Need a Writing Niche(s)?

I’ve been freelance writing for a little over six months now and I’ve finally come to realize the importance (and benefit) of having a niche, or niches.

A little background about me, I have a travel blog and I also do some freelance writing for publications on the side – but so far the majority of my writing has been in the travel industry.

Is Freelance Writing Really as Great as It Sounds?

Let me guess.

You want to be a freelance writer because it sounds exciting, freeing, and everything you’ve ever wanted in a career. You get to write for a living, sit in cafes checking your email, and travel the world while raking in the big bucks.

The thing is, nothing’s that simple. Or that easy.

How Can I Use SEO For My Freelance Writer Site?

You start to freelance and you are inundated with information; so much to learn and so much to take action on, especially that SEO business. And branding. And connecting. And links. And…so little time.

And it all starts with your freelance writer website. How can you optimize your site so that prospects can start finding you?

Here’s an initial SEO guide to get your started.

Am I Cut Out for a Freelance Writing Career?

Are you brand new to freelance writing?

Maybe you recently quit your 9-5 job. Or perhaps you’re trying to supplement your income as a stay-at-home parent. Either way, you love to write and you’re hoping to develop yourself into a full-time freelance writer.

What is Copywriting?

In the past, traditional copywriting involved mostly sales, marketing and advertising messages from cute jingles, cleverly-worded ads, direct mail, catchy headlines for posters, billboards, flyers to radio and TV scriptwriting, and continuity writing. While all of that still applies today, with the advent of the internet the scope of copywriting has evolved to include all the new platforms that words are required for.